Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Now that finals are over, I’m sure you are realizing that the holidays are fast approaching! During this time of year, there is a lot going on, but there is also a lot to be thankful for.  For example: finals are over and you have defeated another semester. Your loved ones are home awaiting your arrival. You have a few weeks to relax and enjoy life. Be grateful for all of these things and remember to enjoy them.

Every year, the weekend after Thanksgiving, my family puts out all of the holiday decorations together. This may seem like a very little thing, but it is a tradition that we have held to for as long as I can remember and it makes it very special. It is something I can always count on and look forward to every year. After hanging all of the lights and wreaths and putting up and decorating the tree, we can all sit back as a family and admire the decorations… And, shortly after, we pass out from exhaustion. These traditions and memories are things that I will be able to carry with me for the rest of my life. This holiday season, be thinking about things like this that you will carry with you for years to come.

Another thing that I am thankful for is that I will be kicking off my winter break with a 10-day trip to Ecuador with the CALS Leadership Institute. While in Ecuador, my cohort and I will have the opportunity to work on service projects, enjoy the beach, stay in the mountains with Ecuadorian families and immerse ourselves in a new culture. After returning, we will have the remainder of the break to enjoy home with our families. Getting to travel the world with the University of Florida and my college is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that not all people get and for this, I am very thankful.

With all of this traveling, it is important to keep in mind that this is a busy time of year. There is a lot of traffic on the roads and in airports. While you are traveling home, be cautious and safe as everyone will be just as anxious as you to get home.

That being said, enjoy the break. Spend time with your family… Snuggle up with your pets… Sleep in… And most importantly, be safe!

Happy Holidays and GO GATORS!

Casey Parker

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Don't Let Finals Get You Down!

It’s that time of the semester again: the dreaded finals. Of course stress always seems to accompany finals. For many students, stress affects not only our exam performance, but also our health. It’s important that we, as students, find a way to use the stress to our advantage and manage it in a healthy manner. I could bore you with useful study tips, but I’d rather tell you about some fun ways to manage the stress.
The Reitz union has an event called De-Stress Study Fest which is occurring December 6th-12th. It gets kicked off with a Smash Bash that includes carnival games, walk a gator, a moon walk, a giant slide, and more. Restlessness to Relaxation is an event where you can enjoy free chair messages and playing with therapy animals. Go back to your childhood with Old School and Blast from the Past Holiday Crafts. De-Stress Study Space will be offered the entire duration of De-Stress Study Fest. The Study Space is additional group study space at the libraries. Also being offered nightly are De-Stress Movies from 7pm-12am. For more information and the schedule for all of finals week, you can follow this link:
It’s important to have fun during finals week and not let the stress consume your life. Having a supportive group of friends and family to help you along the way helps too. Before you know it, winter break will be here along with some much needed relaxation!

-Rebecca Lee