Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Job Hunt: Suzy Rodriguez

As college students, when we stop and think about applying for a job or internship, it can be a bit intimidating. Here are some quick tips when it comes to the job market. These are not boring instructions on how to write a resume but tips, on what to say, focus on, and how to make yourself memorable.

While in an interview, with a potential employer it’s important to share about yourself! When you are asked questions, do not answer with a simple “yes” or “no”, but try to gracefully expound upon the questions, and share a little about yourself. When going into that important interview, or job fair, you want to have done your homework. Knowing the company's purpose and vision will give you a competitive edge. Often times a potential employer will ask you if you have any questions for them. Asking them a question is mandatory; it shows that you are interested in the company. And you get to dazzle them with all your hard preparation.

During an interview it’s important to not over share. When an employer asks the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years”, you want to be sure to keep your answer strictly professional and very business focused. They do not want to hear about your personal or life goals; not yet anyway. It is intimidating to race for a position you know many others are competing for. So often we want to make ourselves remembered. Just remember to be yourself and do this according to your style. For example, if you are not funny, don’t tell a joke. In short don’t try to leave an impression of someone that you are not.

Another way to be memorable is to follow up with the employer. Sending them a letter thanking them for their time is a great idea. Be sure to include where they met you and your contact information! All these tips will help and look great to a potential employer. Happy job hunting!