Friday, November 23, 2012

Nov. 18-24, 2012

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" is a phrase that I enjoy hearing every year and believe to be true! This grand holiday season begins with Thanksgiving, a time to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for. I can tell you that I have many things to be thankful for. My name is Lauren Mayo and I am proudly serving as a College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) ambassador for the second year. I am currently a Senior Animal Sciences Major specializing in Dairy Industry and have a minor in Agricultural Communications. With that being said, I have had many opportunities while here at the University of Florida, especially within CALS. There is always something to get involved with, people to meet, places to travel, communities to serve, and so much more as a student of CALS. When I started as a freshman at UF four years ago, I had no idea that I would be the president of two clubs within CALS, travel to so many places, and have so many opportunities resulting from opportunities while here as a student. As I prepare to apply to graduate programs in Dairy Science, this Thanksgiving I have constantly reflected on all of the things that I have been able to accomplish and be a part of. 

When I look back even on this past year alone, there are long lasting memories that I have shared countless laughs and memories with friends not only from UF but from land grant universities all across the United States and even other countries. Throughout my undergraduate career in CALS I have traveled to a plethora of leadership and academic conferences and competitions and met so many other students. I still remember my first American Dairy Science Association meeting when a friend of mine from LSU began talking about palpating dairy cows like it was nothing to be ashamed about. The light bulb clicked on! It was and still is the best feeling in the world to speak with people your same age about something you're passionate about. Normally, when I talk about cows in general most people would stare at me as if I had three heads! I can't even imagine if I had even attended (much less stepped foot on the campus of) that other Florida university who shall remain nameless and will probably lose in this weekend's football game, and I tried finding someone as easily that was interested in dairy cattle as much as I was! There are countless friendships and acquaintances that I have made just by being a student in CALS. 

Service is also something that we try to do more of during the holidays. I grew up in a large scouting family where community service or any form of service to others was a normal thing. I enjoy that while in CALS service is once again a normalcy. One of the greatest opportunities I've had as a CALS ambassador is selling coffee for Alltech's Haiti Project and then taking a service trip to HAITI! Alltech (an animal health company) approached CALS at UF and Auburn’s College of Agriculture with a challenge to sell Haitian coffee that would completely benefit their Haiti project of improving the Agricultural situations of their country. It was hands down the most amazing and life changing opportunity that I have ever had while being a student in CALS! While down there we not only learned a lot about the culture but taught children english, painted an entire school, visited multiple schools, planted coffee for the Haiti Project, hiked up a mountain to La Citadelle, and helped build chicken houses. We hope to continue helping Haiti as much as we can and to return in the near future. 

YOU can help too! CALS Ambassadors will be collecting gently used children books by December 5th for anyone interested in getting involved to our service to the children in Haiti. Books can be dropped off to Charlotte Emerson in the Dean's Office McCarty D 2002!

I could go on and on about all of the things that I am thankful for and the opportunities I've had in CALS, because they're countless and priceless. If you ever have a question or run into me on campus feel free to say hi! I love getting to meet fellow gators! I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving from my CALS to yours! 

Go Gators!
Lauren Mayo
Lauren Mayo
Class: Junior
Hometown: Riverview, Florida
Major: Animal Sciences Specializing in Dairy Industry
Minor: Agricultural Communications
Involvement: Dairy Science Club President; Collegiate Farm Bureau President; Block and Bridle Club; American Dairy Science Association Student Affiliate Division Officer at Large(2011); Girl Scouts of the USA Lifetime Member; Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Adult Volunteer;  coordinated UF Ag Facts Friday, educating college students and public about the importance of agriculture
Hobbies: Dairy cattle judging and showing, scrapbooking, cooking and baking, outdoor

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