Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Will You Do?

Hello everyone! My name is Adam Midgett, and I am a sophomore here at the University of Florida majoring in Animal Sciences with an emphasis in the Dairy Industry. Up to this point, I have had quite an eventful and exciting semester! Between juggling school work, a part-time job, and campus involvement, I have been on the go almost 24/7.
When I first started here at the University of Florida in the fall of 2011, I was dead set on being a large animal veterinarian. Ever since I was in the 6th grade, I knew I wanted to work with animals and study animal biology in college.  Let’s just say that my goals have changed both frequently and significantly since I have started my college career. After giving it some serious thought, I decided I wanted to be a physician and go to medical school. I changed my major to Health Sciences and switched over to the College of Public Health and Health Professions. Time went on, and after taking some very difficult general science courses at UF, I decided medicine was not where my true passions are.  I decided to go back to animal sciences, but with more of an emphasis in the food animal industry and management. With the specialization I am in now, I take courses that are geared more towards the business side of the animal and livestock industry. I have found this is what I really enjoy doing and have an immense passion for, and is what I want to one day have a full-time career in.
The message that I am trying to get across here is that even though you may be absolutely sure of what you want to study in college or as a full-time career in the future, your goals may change and that is perfectly okay. You need to find what you are passionate about and enjoy doing, because this is what you will be doing in virtually every day for the rest of your life!
Some recommendations I have to find what you’re passionate about include:
1.Choose electives in classes that are unfamiliar to you - Branch outside of your comfort zone and take those classes that you normally wouldn’t give a second thought.  If you’re undecided in your major, electives can give you the freedom to discover what it really is that you enjoy doing and possibly want to do for the rest of your life.
2.Get Involved! – I can’t stress enough how important this is! Getting involved with a variety of clubs and organizations on campus can help you to meet fellow students that have similar interests and passions that you possess. 
3.Talk with your adviser – If you are uncertain about what it is that you want to do in your future, sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with your academic adviser. They have an unlimited pool of useful information that can help show you the opportunities that lie within your major.
To wrap things up, it is perfectly okay if you are still unsure as to what major or career you want to pursue. The reason that we are all in college is to discover what it is that inspires us to learn, grow, and excel as individuals.
Have a great semester and Go Gators,
Adam Midgett

Adam Midgett
Class: Sophomore
Hometown: Punta Gorda, FL
Major: Animal Sciences
Specialization: Dairy Industry
Involvement: Collegiate FFA Treasurer; Dairy Sciences Club Vice President; Collegiate Farm Bureau Secretary: American Dairy Science Association Member; Baptist Collegiate Ministries; Alltech Ambassador
Hobbies: Fishing, reading, gardening, being outdoors, and spending time with family and friends
After College: Earn a Master's Degree in Agricultural and Appliced Economics, and go to work for an organization in order to help shape agricultural policy

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 20-26, 2013

Hey all you lovely readers! Kimberly Marie here! I am a Junior Food and Resource Economics major, with a specialization in Management and Marketing, and a minor in Entrepreneurship. Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was this girl from South Florida stepping into the Gator Nation with no experience or idea of what great things were in store for me. After I graduate in fall of 2013 (Yay!), my number one priority is to attend graduate school. I am intrigued by politics, international as well as economic affairs.
Most persons may be hesitant about getting involved in different organizations and activities when getting into to college. Their goals may sometimes be going to school, studying, getting good grades and graduating.  Now please do not get me wrong this strategy has worked for tons of persons who are successful today. However, diving into the college experience, spreading your wings and getting to know people can also be extremely beneficial as well.

Student development outside the classroom may open you up to a lot of different opportunities. For instance, getting involved with different organizations may lead to networking opportunities, which may possibly land you some type of career that you have always dreamed of. Not only that, but sometimes you may get to know different professors that may potentially teach you first hand, or speak to deans and coordinators who may offer you much needed advice school wise, career wise, or life wise. I’m telling you, getting involved may just be one of the best things that you could do for yourself while attending college.

Take me for instance; when I first came to this campus I did not know anyone. What made it even worse was the fact that all of my friends and family members were hours and miles away from me. I then spoke to my advisor because I knew that I wanted to be a part of some sort of organization not only to meet new people but to enhance my professionalism. She then told me that I should apply to become a CALS Ambassador. After carefully giving it some thought, I applied, got accepted, and I must say it was probably one of the best decision that I have made College wise. I got to meet so many University officials and other wonderful students who could relate to me. I have also received many opportunities which could enhance my chances of getting into Graduate school

So you should definitely give it some thought! Get involved. Network. Develop your skills. You’ll Love it!!

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have.”- Michelle Obama


Kimberly Marie
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Major: Food and Resource Economics
Specialization: Marketing and Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Involvement: Professional Member of Agricultural Economics Club, Member of Catholic Gators, Volunteer at Rebuilding Together, Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, UF Chapter of National Agri-Marketing Association, Food and Resource Economics Banquet Committee
Hobbies: Travelling, Going to the Beach, Spending time with family and friends, Shopping, Singing, Doing Yoga.
After College: Plans to earn a graduate degree in Management; pursue a career as a Management Analyst and eventually open up an orphanage.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 13-19, 2013

Hi, my name is Arielle! I am a senior in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences studying Agricultural Education and Communication. I am passionate about the agricultural industry, policy, leadership, and people. I have a penchant for any and everything Southern, Gator football, diet coke and traveling.

I recently just had my last ‘first’ day here at UF. While I settle down into classes, I am trying to enjoy every moment of my last semester here: being grateful for the opportunities of these past 4 years and excited about the future.

I have my backpack packed with my favorite sharpie pens & gator camelbak water bottle. I spent my first day checking out my classes, talking to a couple professors and headed to work after a successful day.

The first day of the semester was definitely bittersweet. There have been struggles along the way, and immense personal growth but nonetheless, I have loved every moment and opportunity in Gainesville. I am working this semester on finishing up my specialization in Communication and Leadership Development and minor in Ag. & Natural Resource Law.  

With 109 days left before graduation, the countdown is on.  I am preparing for this monumental life step by perfecting my resume, keeping in contact with potential employers and spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to do in the future. I hopeful for a lot this year and am more then anything setting up my life to see my dreams happen! I’ve learned this past year that it requires action to set yourself up for whatever it is you may want… health, love, new beginnings, friendships, continuing education or a career.

Although I am not 100% certain where life will take me after graduation, I am focusing on following my passions in hopes that it will lead me to open doors. As many college students and people my age may agree, it is oftentimes challenging to discover where the next road may lie, or what path we want to take. Instead of stressing about the what if, I plan of being grateful for my degree I will be receiving in May and the people I have met along the way. I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason, and I wholeheartedly believe my time in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences has better prepared me for life outside of its doors. 

If you have any questions about my department or the college in general, do not hesitate to contact me or another fellow ambassador. Thank you for your time, and let’s make 2013 fabulous. 


Arielle Claude
Class: Junior
Hometown: Williston, Florida
Major: Agricultural Education and Communication
Specialization: Communication and Leadership Development
Involvement: Collegiate FFA, Campus Crusade for Christ, Collegiate Cattlewoman, and Collegiate Farm Bureau
Hobbies: Gator Football, traveling
After College:  Plan to pursue further education through a graduate school program