Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 20-26, 2013

Hey all you lovely readers! Kimberly Marie here! I am a Junior Food and Resource Economics major, with a specialization in Management and Marketing, and a minor in Entrepreneurship. Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was this girl from South Florida stepping into the Gator Nation with no experience or idea of what great things were in store for me. After I graduate in fall of 2013 (Yay!), my number one priority is to attend graduate school. I am intrigued by politics, international as well as economic affairs.
Most persons may be hesitant about getting involved in different organizations and activities when getting into to college. Their goals may sometimes be going to school, studying, getting good grades and graduating.  Now please do not get me wrong this strategy has worked for tons of persons who are successful today. However, diving into the college experience, spreading your wings and getting to know people can also be extremely beneficial as well.

Student development outside the classroom may open you up to a lot of different opportunities. For instance, getting involved with different organizations may lead to networking opportunities, which may possibly land you some type of career that you have always dreamed of. Not only that, but sometimes you may get to know different professors that may potentially teach you first hand, or speak to deans and coordinators who may offer you much needed advice school wise, career wise, or life wise. I’m telling you, getting involved may just be one of the best things that you could do for yourself while attending college.

Take me for instance; when I first came to this campus I did not know anyone. What made it even worse was the fact that all of my friends and family members were hours and miles away from me. I then spoke to my advisor because I knew that I wanted to be a part of some sort of organization not only to meet new people but to enhance my professionalism. She then told me that I should apply to become a CALS Ambassador. After carefully giving it some thought, I applied, got accepted, and I must say it was probably one of the best decision that I have made College wise. I got to meet so many University officials and other wonderful students who could relate to me. I have also received many opportunities which could enhance my chances of getting into Graduate school

So you should definitely give it some thought! Get involved. Network. Develop your skills. You’ll Love it!!

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have.”- Michelle Obama


Kimberly Marie
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Major: Food and Resource Economics
Specialization: Marketing and Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Involvement: Professional Member of Agricultural Economics Club, Member of Catholic Gators, Volunteer at Rebuilding Together, Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, UF Chapter of National Agri-Marketing Association, Food and Resource Economics Banquet Committee
Hobbies: Travelling, Going to the Beach, Spending time with family and friends, Shopping, Singing, Doing Yoga.
After College: Plans to earn a graduate degree in Management; pursue a career as a Management Analyst and eventually open up an orphanage.

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