Monday, November 25, 2013

Let's Give Thanks!

As turkey day approaches, we are reminded that it isn’t just about the delectable spread that your mom prepared, it’s about much more. In this season, we should be thankful for our families, friends, our opportunities, everyday victories, and just being able to enjoy life. I am thankful for every detail of my life thus far and I am even more grateful for what the future has to offer. I am most grateful for the experiences and opportunities that I have used to better myself so that I can better help others. Through these experiences, I have learned how to connect my passion, personality, and where I am to what my purpose is. I have also learned what it truly means to serve others when you set your own agenda aside. It isn’t a matter of neglecting your goals, aspirations or desires; it is more so being a part of something that is much bigger than you.

Within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, I have had the opportunity to serve throughout the state of Florida as a CALS Ambassador. By serving, I have been able to meet some great people who are passionate about agriculture not only in Florida but also in our world. I have a better understanding and a greater level of respect for what others do to preserve and enhance the agricultural industry. I also extend my gratitude to the faculty and staff within the college that are driven by their passion to educate, inspire, and motivate the students to pursue their passion and be good leaders.

This Thanksgiving, I have decided to give back some time to the members of the community who are less fortunate and who may not be able to spend the holiday with their families. Through my serving, I will be able to positively influence someone regardless of what I am doing. I am thankful that I can be a blessing to someone else and I am able to serve others.

The most important thing that I am reminded of is to always be thankful. An attitude of gratitude should be a lifestyle. By doing so, life will be much more enjoyable and your very perspective on life will shift. If I can find at least one thing to be thankful for, then I have understood what it means to be truly grateful no matter what.

Happy Thanksgiving!

-Shornare Brown

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