Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spring Back!

There’s nothing like the start of a new year. A fresh start. A time to start off on the right foot this time. We often use the excuse of a new year to finally start doing the things we know we should. I hate to say this but January is the honeymoon month. It’s almost like the free month trial that Netflix offers. Before you know it, you’re stuck paying $8 to further your procrastination. I think we all have this idea that we need to make drastic changes in our lives to finally reap the benefits that life has to offer. However, it is in this pursuit towards superhuman that we start to lose sight of what’s really important. Are we making changes for ourselves or for others?

Backtracking a little bit, my winter break was exactly what I needed. I finally had time to do the senseless things I love to do. If you couldn’t tell by my Netflix reference that I am TV junkie, then I am letting you know now that I am. When I wasn’t glued to my TV screen, I spent time with my family, visited the beach often, and really had time to reflect and take an introspective look at my year. As my break reminded me of all the great opportunities I’ve had thus far, I couldn’t help but ponder about what was to come.

For me, this semester marks a milestone in my life, since this is my last semester as an undergraduate student. Of course I want to make the most of this semester. Spending every moment with my best friends, trying all the local restaurants, going on spontaneous trips, this is my idea of having a last hoorah. As my time here at the University of Florida comes to a close, I can truly say that I’ve had an enriching college experience. I am no longer that unsure high school senior but a soon-to-be college graduate with a unique perspective on life.

My advice for my fellow college students this semester is this: Push yourselves enough to break free from your comfort zone. Challenge yourselves in every aspect of life. Be the person that you would want to spend your time with.

A dash of confidence and pinch of faith can go a long way.

- Sherin Thamarasseril

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