Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept. 9-15, 2012

Hey Y'all,
My name is Paula and I am a senior Entomology & Nematology and Zoology dual major. It's about the time of the semester where everyone is running to class with a coffee in one hand and a stack of notes or flashcards in the other. Homework, extracurricular activities and naps are dominating our lives as the first set of exams is rapidly approaching. For me, this semester is all about the light at the end of the tunnel. I am currently in the process of applying to dental school and that entails, scheduling interviews around my classes, and maintaining all my other extracurricular activities. Time-management is HUGE for me right now. I spent my last week doing a lot of multi-tasking, but it will all be worth it when I graduate in the Spring!

Last Monday was one of the beloved 3-day weekends at UF. While most of my peers were driving home or getting their last bit of tan in before a mild fall hits, I was putting the finishing touches on my secondary application to UF's College of Dentistry, one of the most competitive grad programs in the nation. If you want to be a pre-health major here at UF, I have a couple pieces of advice.
1) Major in something unique that you have passion for. It sets you apart from other candidates and allows you to enjoy your four years of undergraduate. Also, when you are passionate about something, you are more likely to do better in the classes for your major. For me, I loved being out in the field, so Entomology & Nematology was a perfect match. 
2) Be best friends with your academic advisor! They are there to help you. I joined the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences specifically because their advisors were able to give me one-on-one personal attention and were there every step of the way. They helped me with everything from picking a major, to my class schedule, to my personal struggles during tough times. Don't wait until you have a problem to see them, but rather, be proactive!
3) Shadow, volunteer, go on relief trips, or anything else that will get your hands dirty. I know you've probably wanted to be a doctor since you were 5, but I promise you, unless you experience it, you will never actually know. Plus, it’s required for most graduate applications! I thought I wanted to be an engineer, and even took most of my prerequisites in high school through dual enrollment for engineering. But then I did a short-term internship right before my first semester at UF, and hated my job. I tried a couple other shadowing experiences (pharmacist, pediatrician, and veterinarian), but as soon as I shadowed a dentist I knew that it was the career for me. Since then, I have been able to gain experience and build my passion for the profession. In short, shadowing is a must!

Tuesday I went to my American Sign Language class and a lab for entomology. You're probably wondering what I'm doing taking an ASL class. Well, I'm hard-of-hearing! Most people can't notice, but I wanted to start learning ASL in college, since I never had the opportunity to as a kid. This way, I can communicate with other hard-of-hearing and deaf individuals, and fulfill my foreign language requirement for my Zoology major. Oh yeah, if you want to dual major, realize that there are multiple requirements for each college. This is where your advisor comes in handy! :)

Wednesday was a normal day filled with class, studying, visiting my mom and going to church. It was really nice the end the day around my close friends, and get recharged for the remainder of the week! UF has so many different ministries, service groups, social events and clubs. Everyone can find something for them. Getting involved not only looks great on a resume, but will help you get through the long weeks of college.

On Thursday, I swam at our Student Recreation center to get a bit of a workout before classes. At 12:30 I headed out to rural Alachua County to volunteer as a dental assistant in the ACORN Clinic. It is one of the most rewarding parts of my week. Even though I hate the commute, serving people, and learning from some of the best dentists in the county is both exciting and challenging. Again, refer to #3 above!

On Friday, I have no classes, so I usually do all my errands on this day. Laundry, cleaning, oil change, homework, appointments, bank stuff... you name it. It's a great way to get caught up from the week. It's also the day I most frequently sign up for events through dental shadowing, CALS Ambassadors and my other extracurricular activities. It's an easy way to stay involved and proactive while not sacrificing time in my classes. Friday night I went to Swing Dancing Club, something I have done since my freshman year. It was the night we all said good-bye to a long-time member who got a job and was moving away this week. It was a little sad, but it’s always exciting seeing your close friends achieve their dreams.

On Saturday, I volunteered at the Gainesville Community Ministry Dental Clinic and then watched the Gators chomp the Aggies in a nail-biting game. Game-day is culture here, even when they are away. Then on Sunday I went to church, ate some delicious grits at Flying Biscuit, got ready for the coming week, and enjoyed some peaceful time at home.

So that's a week in the life of a Gator! It can be stressful, but as I approach my last year here, I know that I would not take back any of my time spent being involved, socializing and volunteering. It has taught me about who I am and prepared me for life outside of college--even if it means I gave up a little bit of sleep!
Paula Cohen
Hometown: Fort Pierce, Florida
Major: Entomology and Nematology/Zoology
Specialization: Preprofessional
Involvement: President of Florida Swing Dancing Club, Fish Mom at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry of Gainesville, Project Makeover Captain, Dental Volunteer at the A.C.O.R.N. Clinic
After College: I want to study dentistry and emphasize preventative care with my patients. I also hope to serve two years on the International Mission Board as a dentist.

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