Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct. 7-13, 2012

 Hi, I’m Amy Emery.  I’m a junior majoring in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences. I just transferred to UF this semester, and I’m having a blast! I love my major!  My favorite classes are Introduction to FYCS and Parenting and Family Development.  The instructors are awesome! They both really care about their students and always provide real examples from their own lives to make the course more interesting and applicable.  Between classes, CALS Ambassador activities, and Gator Football, I’m staying really busy.

            Being a “new kid on campus” I thought I would share some of the quirky things that have happened to me...
First, I probably got lost at least three times in first three weeks! This campus is HUGE and so confusing when you first get here.  After awhile, you get used to it and learn your way around and it doesn’t seem so big anymore. You learn the landmarks, like the French Fries and the Dancing People, which help you find your way.

Second, I’ve been accused of being “the biggest creeper of college athletes” ever.  I’m not a creeper, but I have to admit, I do know where Trey Burton parks at 9:30 AM on Wednesday mornings.  And I do know what Caleb Sturgis’s scooter looks like.  Also, I am working on a class project in a group that includes Karsten Whitson.  I’m not a creeper, I’m just very observant and take advantage of opportunities!

Finally, I am starting a campaign to rename the RTS busses.  Anyone who has ever driven to UF understands the aggravation of getting behind six RTS busses in one block.  They stop every 5 feet! Now, I know RTS buses provide a good service, so I was trying to think of what they could make me like them more.  I’ve decided RTS buses should be renamed Swamp Buggies.  It would much harder to get mad when you’re stuck behind a Swamp Buggy, and wouldn’t Swamp Buggy 22 be more fun to ride than RTS Bus 22?! Join my campaign!

It’s been an awesome semester so far! The LSU game was incredible, and I just picked up my tickets to Gator Growl! It’s great to be a Florida Gator!

Amy EmeryClass: Junior
Hometown:  Brooker, FL
Major: Family, Youth and Community Sciences
Involvement: First Baptist Church, Lake Butler, FL. College and Career and Honduras missions.
Hobbies: Cooking and baking, spending time with family, Gator football, and shopping
After College: I plan to continue my education and pursue a career in the medical field. I also want to continue to work in missions in 3rd world countries.

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