Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nov. 4- Nov.10, 2012

Hello! My name is Kaylie Smith and I am a senior here in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. I will be graduating in May of 2013 with a biology degree and what an incredible feeling that is! I am currently in the process of applying to pharmacy school. Coming from CALS, I like to joke that it is “farm”acy school, but no one seems to find that as funny as I do…. I am excited for what will come next, but sad to see some of my wonderful undergraduate experiences come to an end!

CALS has a huge range of resources to help get you to the next level, whether that is professional school, graduate school, or going straight into a career. I personally met with Cathy Carr, our Director of Alumni and Career Services, to go over my personal statement,  and that really made the difference with my pharmacy application. A personal statement is extremely limited by a character count, so every letter and space makes a difference. Mrs. Carr helped me cut the excess and really polish my personal statement. We also offer a CALS Career Expo in the spring, which puts you in touch with potential employers. I think what really makes CALS stand out from other  colleges is its advisers. Each department offers its own advisers who make themselves available to students and really make the effort to help their students succeed. Whether looking into full undergraduate requirements or professional school prerequisites, this is definitely your most valuable resource.

As soon as my senior year began, I started receiving similar types of questions. So I’d like to share those and my personal answers with you guys.

What advice would you offer to incoming freshman?

I think most students give the same “words of wisdom” on this one, and that is: get involved early! As my pal J. Dubs mentioned in his October blog entry, don’t overdo it, but get involved as soon as possible. These are the experiences that you will remember most from your time in college. I forgot the citric acid cycle as soon as my biochemistry exam was over last week, but I will never forget Ambassador training retreats, Gator football games with my friends, or woodsers with Alpha Zeta. Alpha Zeta is a co-ed honors fraternity within CALS that I have had the opportunity to serve as president for this year. I joined the organization my freshman year and it has been a wonderful experience for me to work my way up through the club and meet new members every single semester. Obviously academics are incredibly important and the reason you are in college in the first place, but college is so much more than getting a good GPA. It is about acknowledging your personal strengths and weaknesses and working on those to become the person you want to be for the rest of your life. So please put yourself out there and try something new!

Would you change anything about your undergraduate experience?

Not at all! I have made my share of mistakes (cough, cough organic chemistry), but would not take back any of them. I have learned from each and every step, and have learned a lot about myself and my abilities. CALS has really enabled me to create a strong background in a plethora of subject areas and made me into a well rounded student.

Are you ready for the next step?

At the ripe, old age of 22 (my birthday was Monday!), I can say I am ready to begin pharmacy school and start working towards my career goals. As Aldous Huxley said, “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.” My undergraduate experiences have prepared me for the next step in my education, and I am incredibly appreciative for what UF and CALS have offered me. Take advantage of everything you are offered, and learn from your experiences here.

Have a wonderful week and GO GATA!

Kaylie Smith

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

Kaylie Smith
Class: Senior
Hometown: Melbourne, Florida
Major: Biology
Specialization: Pre-professional
Minor: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Involvement: Alpha Zeta Honors Fraternity Chancellor, Pre-Pharmacy Society, researcher in the Horticultural Sciences Department
After College: Plans to attend pharmacy school

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