Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nov. 25- Dec. 1, 2012

Hello everyone!  My name is Austin Skipper, and I’m currently a junior in the Food and Resource Economics Department.  Being originally from Archer, right outside of Gainesville, I have grown up around the University of Florida.  I always had aspirations of attending, and was able to attend as a freshman right out of high school.  Once accepted, I put in a lot of thought into what major and clubs I wanted to be in on campus.  I also realized I would need a part time job to help put myself through college, but had not considered working on campus.  However, I soon came across the opportunity to work on campus, and have realized how valuable opportunities like this can be.

I started working at the UF Meats Lab, in the Animal Sciences Department.  Now, it has been about two years since I began working there, and can honestly say, I have not regretted one minute of it.  Not only have my bosses been extremely flexible with my schedule, but I have been able to network with professors in the department and the college through working there.

At my job, I have learned a trade.  I now know how to cut meat as good as the butchers in Publix, but I can also actually slaughter animals. I am familiar with the USDA inspection regulations throughout the entire process.  Jobs like mine have prepared me for a trade, obviously I have higher aspirations post college, but this does provide me with a temporary fall back option upon graduation.  I realize not everybody wants to be a butcher or meat cutter, but it is a viable career.  It is unlike many other jobs across campus, but it shares some of the benefits other campus jobs have.

I have found that campus jobs are flexible across the board.  All of my friends who work on campus all are extremely happy with the scheduling.  Campus jobs schedule your work around your class schedule, and are always accepting of it.  Bosses on campus realize that you are student employees, and that studies are more important to you.

Now of course, I was able to get in a job in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, but there are jobs in all of the colleges and departments in the college.  Sudents can find postings of jobs on, or bulletin boards in halls.  As we approach the end of the semester, students are getting ready to graduate and vacate their jobs, leaving more open for the rest of us.

One very important accommodation for students who apply, is Federal Work Study.  These types of jobs are everywhere on campus, and reserved for students who qualify for Federal Work Study.  This is where the government pays part of your wages, if not all, in order to better present students who need help with opportunities that will allow them to reach their needs.  Also, departments really enjoy these types of jobs because it is cheaper for them, and they get the same amount of labor.

A big employer of students on campus is Recreational Sports.  This department hires students who work in the gyms on campus or to umpire intramural sports.  Scheduling for these types of things are great because the referees and umpires just work on nights when there are games, probably at most three nights a week.  So your days are free, and it’s a low stress job, unless you make too many bad calls!  But it also an opportunity for students interested in sports to take their passion to the next level.  And if sports are not your thing, there are also office jobs everywhere or jobs available in the game room at the Reitz Union. 

So all in all, there are a lot of opportunities on campus, not just in clubs or majors, but tons of part time jobs are available to students on campus.  So check for jobs opening at the beginning of next semester, as many students are graduating.  Also, we only have a few more weeks until the holidays, but let’s finish strong Gators!

With that, I’m out Gator Nation!  Happy Holidays!

Austin Skipper

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Helen Keller

Austin Skipper
Class: Junior
Hometown: Archer, FL
Major: Food and Resource Economics
Specialization:  Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management
Involvement: Fountain Wars, Filipino Student Association
Hobbies: Hunting, Reading, and anything outdoors
After College: Attend Graduate School

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