Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Career Expo: On the Hunt

 Rabo AgriFinance, Syngenta, Monsanto, Cal-Maine Foods, Dow Agrosciences, Masa Israel Journey…

What are these?!  What does this mean? Is JW showing off his fluency in some sort of obscure foreign language or tribal tongue?  Unfortunately, no, despite how much I wish I was bilingual.  However, a certain group of students who participated in the CALS Career Expo last Wednesday know exactly what I’m talking about.
This is just a sample of the 40 employers and graduate programs represented at the 2013 CALS Careers Expo on February 13.  Located in the Reitz Union Ballroom was a diverse showcase of graduate schools, government agencies, and companies, both big and small.  The graduate programs on hand included the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Levin College of Law, and numerous Master’s and Ph.D. programs within CALS.  There were even some recruiters with a primary interest in volunteers, such as Girl’s Place and Haven Hospice.  Despite the wide ranging spectrum of the representatives present, all came with the same objective in mind: to recruit the brightest and most talented students at the University of Florida, who happen to be in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences!  
The CALS Ambassador team was on hand all day to help facilitate the event for the recruiters and students.   CALS students came dressed for success and prepared to sell themselves, steadily flowing into the Expo and providing recruiters with fresh faces to engage and interact with.  In talking with both students and recruiters after the event, each group seemed thoroughly impressed with the other.  Students raved about the direct interaction with industry representatives, the diverse pool of recruiters, and the convenience of the time, location, and access of the event.  In turn, recruiters were also impressed with the professionalism, preparedness, and curiosity of the participating students.  Needless to say, it was an awesome time!
Now…why weren’t you at the Expo?  Excuses not good enough include, but are not limited to:
-          Sleeping in
-          Alarm clock didn’t go off
-          “Don’t feel like going”
-          “I already have my entire life planned out”
-          Procrastination on coursework
-          Dog ate your resume (or any pet, for that matter)
-          Obscure religious holiday from some unheard-of religion
-          Your fortune teller advised against it
-          Any other absurd excuse that doesn’t seem realistic or foreseeable

As a College, we are extremely fortunate to have the resources to host an annual career showcase tailored to the needs and interests of our students.  In the future, don’t pass up the opportunity to interact with these representatives!  It is never too early (or late) to begin cultivating that relationship with a potential employer.  Furthermore, I would urge you to not even wait for these events to contact an employer or graduate program of interest to introduce yourself and find out what they’re looking for in you.
Finally, a big shout out to Mrs. Cathy Carr, Director of Alumni and Career Services, and Melissa Redden for once again preparing, planning, promoting, and coordinating such a successful event.  
“It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready.”
-          Theodore Roosevelt

Go Gators!

John-Walt Boatright
Class: Senior
Hometown: Live Oak, Florida
Major: Food and Resource Economics
Minor: Agricultural and Natural Resource Law
Specialization: International Food and Resource Economics
Member and immediate past VP of Industry Relations, Agricultural Economics Club; Food and Resource Economics Diplomat; Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society
After College: Plans to attend law school and specialize in agriculturally related issues in the North Florida area

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