Thursday, April 11, 2013

Going Greek

What bus route do I take to McCarty?  Where’s the best place to eat on campus? How the heck do I work e-learning?

Adjusting to a large campus such as The University of Florida can be difficult for many freshmen.  You are faced with many questions and are now forced to make decisions without the help of your parents, friends, or high school teachers. Who can you turn to when you’re in need of some help? 

A question that I am often faced with as an Ambassador by prospective students is “how do I deal with home sickness?”  My go-to answer is always to “keep yourself busy!”  The more involved you get on campus, the more people you will meet and the less home sick you will feel. 

You probably have not realized how many clubs and organizations are offered on campus or can’t figure out how to join them.  So why not get a head start with a group of friends who know the ins and outs of campus by going Greek?

I chose to go Greek because I wanted to meet people that were involved on campus that could help me get involved.  But I got so much more out of it by meeting my best friends.  My sorority sisters at Zeta Tau Alpha, a Panhellenic Fraternity, are my go-to people when I need some help on campus.  I am very likely to find an answer when there are a hundred other girls who have been through the same things I am going through.  There is a never a chance to feel home sick when you are studying with a group of “Zetas” at the library, attending an 80’s themed social, or contributing your time to raising money for breast cancer awareness.

I always recommend prospective students to give Greek organizations a chance because it makes a large campus feel homier.  But with the many options to choose from, how will you figure out which is the right fit for you?

·         If you are interested in philanthropic events, community service, and privately owned chapter houses, go with:
            Panhellenic Council (females)- 16 sororities
            Interfraternity Council (males)- 26 fraternities

·         If you are interested in cultural-specific organizations, go with:
            Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)- 7 fraternities and 5 sororities

·         If you are interested in historically-black organizations, go with:
            National Pan-Hellenic Conference (NPHC)- 4 fraternities and 4 sororities

Each fraternity and sorority values scholarship, service, leadership, and community but differ in their locations and activities.  Check out the Sorority and Fraternity Affairs page at the Student Activities and Involvement website for more information about how to join and chapter profiles (

CALS Ambassadors Greek members: Mallory, Zeta Tau Alpha and Michele, Sigma Kappa
”Becoming a Florida Greek will provide you with personal development opportunities, close friendships, and the opportunity to affiliate with a community dedicated to scholarship, service, leadership, and community.”- Division of Student Affairs

Go Gators!

Mallory Neumann
Class: Junior
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Major: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Specialization: Dietetics
Involvement: University of Florida's "Dazzlers" Dance Team, Student
Health Outreach Team Public Relations Chair,  and Zeta Tau Alpha
Panhellenic Fraternity Program Council and Philanthropy Board.
Hobbies: Dancing with the "Dazzlers" on the O'Dome's basketball court
and spending time with my "Zeta" sisters at philanthropies and community
service events.
After College: Plans to become a Registered Dietitian.

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