Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Final Days

I’m baaaack! And the countdown is on for graduation! May 5th is just around the corner and I am overwhelmed with excitement, nerves, and my normal goofy tendencies. Next year I will continue my reign, I mean stay, at the beautiful University of Florida College of Pharmacy. I wasn’t sure on my decision until recently, and really debated over going out of state or staying at my favorite school, but of course the Gators won! Obviously I will be staying in Gainesville until we win a national championship in football or basketball, so until that Elite Eight curse is finished I’ll be  here!

My upcoming departure from undergrad has led to a lot of reflecting on my last four years. I recently came across this quote and it seems to have stuck: “You are only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with so be brave enough to let go of those who keep weighing you down.” It isn’t necessarily the most optimistic quote, but it is absolutely true. I hope in my 22 years I’ve impacted someone’s life, because I know in my 22 years I’ve been impacted by many. It’s appreciating those people that is the important part. Whether it be good or bad, each experience is a learning one and worth trying and growing from. Different people are in your lives for different reasons; whether it be to goof around with you, have heart to hearts with, study with, or all of the above. A quote from one of my favorite movies, Bridesmaids “I think if you're growing, then you're changing.” This is definitely taken out of context, but it’s certainly applicable to this graduation and growing up business!

Okay, now on to my fun memories after that emotional stuff!
A few things I will remember the most (the appropriate ones, in no particular order):
  1. Gator sporting events (of course!)
  2. Walking through the CALS office and getting friendly smiles from everybody. This also includes my social visits to Jenai who brightens my day!
  3. Alpha Zeta shenanigans
  4. CALS ambassadors
    • Tiffany Lane being my favorite goofball
    • Blaire Colvin being “nuts” (agronomy shoutout!)
    •  Sarah Bush sarcasm
    • Lauren Mayo being the sweetest, kindest person you’ll ever meet
    •  J-Dubz and his BFF Flat Albert
    • Ana being the crazy Brazilian
    • And I know I missed people but I’m going to get cut off on this blog so I’m just going to sum up that you all made this experience the best!
  5. The ridiculous amount of UF traditions to participate in, especially one of my favorites: painting the 34th street wall! It’s nearly impossible to be bored here!
  6. The incredible people you will meet, especially in CALS.

If you are taking the time to read this blog, I assume you are taking the time to consider CALS for your future. And let me tell you, it’s the best decision you will ever make. The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is like its own community within the expansive University of Florida. It’s the place I’ve been lucky enough to call home these last four years, and I wouldn’t change a thing about my undergraduate experience. (Perhaps less upper-division science courses, but anyways….) I am very excited to cross that stage in a few short days and move on to the next chapter in my life. CALS has helped get me where I am today, and I plan on proudly representing that diploma to the best of my abilities for the rest of my life.

GO GATORS! See you all soon :)
Kaylie Smith

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.” Dr. Seuss 
Kaylie Smith
Class: Senior
Hometown: Melbourne, Florida
Major: Biology
Specialization: Pre-professional
Minor: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Involvement: Alpha Zeta Honors Fraternity Chancellor, Pre-Pharmacy Society, researcher in the Horticultural Sciences Department
After College: Plans to attend pharmacy school

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