Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Semester, New Seminars

Hey everyone!  My name is Austin Skipper and I am senior in the Food and Resource Economics department.  As we all get back into the swing of things, it is important to attend all the events and things that are provided to us on campus.  I think some of the most important events to attend are Solutions Seminars offered to students through the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. 
During each semester, there are three seminars offered for attendance.  The events are scheduled during the evenings, so most students should be able to fit them in their schedule.  If nothing else, the seminars can serve as a productive study break!
But seriously, there have been some pretty cool seminars offered in the past.  One seminar I remember particularly from last year was one where young alumni sat in on a panel.  The panel was set up in question and answer format, and I thought that this was a great way for students to get the answers that they were actually looking for. 
This brings me to this semester; the first seminar is scheduled for Thursday September 19, from 5:15 to 7:30 p.m., at the Straughn IFAS Extension building.   The subject will be about finding jobs, and how to start looking for jobs no matter what year you are.  Students in attendance will be able to get professional headshots taken, so it’s a good idea to dress nice for the seminar.  The Brickman Group will sponsor the seminar, and experts will be there to tell students exactly how to search for those jobs.  Oh, and there will be refreshments, so come hungry.

So I hope to see everyone at the Solutions Seminar next week, ready to learn about how to start looking for jobs!  Have a great week, and most importantly, GO GATORS!

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