Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ways to Be an Everyday Leader

There are many ways to be a leader while attending the University of Florida. Some ways are to get involved. It’s really hard to find the perfect leadership program that fits you completely which is why you should search for organizations that you are interested in. This can be done either by going through the list of organizations on the student involvement page, or by actually meeting up with a student activities and involvement representative. Once you’ve found the organization that best fits your personality and character, don’t be afraid to take up any leadership roles in those organizations. This will help you be a leader in normal circumstances. For example, if there is ever a time where you need to work in a group on a specific project, you can lead the group by dividing up the work so that not only does everyone get an equal amount of work, but the project will be completed more quickly and efficiently.
            The definition of a leader doesn’t always entail, “leading a group to greatness.” Being a leader can also mean to just be there for a friend. If a friend is having a rough time, a leader will try their best to help the friend feel better. A leader gives a voice to those that are unspoken for, which can include them self.  All in all, a leader fights for what they believe in, whether it is for that A on a group project or for the happiness of a friend. Leadership opportunities are always popping up throughout one’s life.

            Being an Ambassador for the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and to make executive decisions when needed. Speaking in public has to be one of the hardest things for me to do, but as an ambassador, I have to face my fears. I am glad to say that my fear of public speaking has definitely been reduced since I joined the ambassadors’ team and I hope to eliminate it completely by the end of my term! I always put myself down for making the worst decisions. But lately, as an ambassador, I have had to make many executive decisions for the good of the team. I have learned through my experience thus far that as long as the decisions that are made, are made with good intentions, most of the time, you can’t go wrong!

- Soha Afzal

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