Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life Lessons from Traveling Abroad


My name is Ana Luiza Fraisse, and I am a senior environmental science major. This is my final semester at the University of Florida and I’m sad it’s almost over. I’ve had many wonderful experiences as a student in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. One of my favorite experiences was my opportunity to live, study, and work in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Although my family is from Brazil and I get to spend my summers visiting family and friends there, my study abroad program took place in a region of Brazil that I didn’t know and allowed me to study in one of the best universities in the nation. This experience was important to me because it was my first time living away from home and being truly independent. It also led me to understand more about my heritage and the unique individual that I am.

I made friends from countries all around the world and even learned a few life lessons. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

  1. Don’t lend your cell phone to strangers in cafés – you may not get it back.
  2. Always cross the street at the indicated crosswalks – otherwise you might get hit by a motorcycle.
  3. The best way to get to know a city is by walking through it – you get to experience the culture up close and not from behind a glass.
  4. Sometimes getting lost will help you find a place you wouldn’t have gotten a chance to explore otherwise.
  5. Just because you can speak the language, doesn’t mean you can write well.

I was fortunate enough to work as a server in a restaurant in town. I loved being able to feel like I was a part of the city and not just a short-term visitor. I was already fluent in Portuguese but my actions and the way I think aren’t always as “Brazilian” as I previously thought. I made it my goal every night to finish a shift without getting asked where I was from.  I was also able to travel within Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. These trips were relaxing, full of culture, and good food. I went with wonderful friends and I’m glad I’ll be able to keep those memories and the memories I made in Porto Alegre with me for years to come.

I encourage all of you to embark on a study abroad journey. Many programs give college credit and you’ll be able to explore different cultures and you may even learn a few things about yourself while you’re there! For more information, please check out http://cals.ufl.edu/global-gators/index.php.


Ana Luiza

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