Friday, November 15, 2013

Sharing Your Passion

I am an Environmental Science major, which is housed in the School of Natural Resources and Environment within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. As awesome as my major is, there are not a lot of students in it. I did not meet another student majoring in Environmental Science until Spring semester of my third year of college. It always baffled me because I enjoy my major and I am surprised it is so small. There are only around 60 students majoring in Environmental Science compared to the hundreds that major in Psychology, Biology, or Food Science and Human Nutrition. It was somewhat isolating to go the majority of my college career without meeting anyone who shared my passions or understood my environmental focus. However, when I was recently lamenting this fact, I realized that the isolation I felt was partly my fault. I did not get involved in the opportunities within CALS and SNRE to meet and spend time with other people in my major or who shared my passion for environmental issues . There are several organizations or events I could have joined or attended that focused on such issues but I never did.

So I encourage you to get involved! It is impressed upon you from day one of college to get involved on campus and in the community. In my opinion, it is vitally important to be involved, not just for resume building or leadership experience, but for fellowship with other people. If you are passionate about a cause, sport, or idea, it is an amazing feeling to find others who share your passion. Communicating with like-minded people  can lead to ideas and opportunities to further your shared passion. If your major is a smaller one, it enhances your educational experience to share ideas,study tips, and even complaints with others who are having or had similar experiences. I recently met someone in one of my classes who is my major, also applying to law school this semester, and shares my goal of becoming an environmental lawyer. Finding someone who understands those experiences and motivations made my day and semester. Don't underestimate the value of sharing your passions with others. It is rare to be the only one passionate about an issue and sharing it with others can lead to something great, not the least of which is friendship.

If you have any questions about Environmental Science as a major or applying to law school, feel free to email me at

Candace Spencer
CALS Ambassador 2013-2014

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