Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct. 21-27, 2012


My name is Ana Luiza, and I am a fourth year environmental science major. This is my second year as a CALS ambassador, and I’m loving it!

This semester things are a little different. I am currently in Porto Alegre, Brazil participating in a study abroad program! This has been an amazing experience for me. Although it is difficult being away from family and friends for such a long period of time, I must say I wish this program would last another semester. I’m studying at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Universities here are a lot different from in the States. So it has been quite the learning experience! Although I’m not new to Brazil, the culture in the southernmost part is very different. I’m adjusting to living in a big city and understanding the crazy weather we have here! But the food, the people and language make me feel at home!

It’s hard being away, and although it’s not the same as being in person, thank goodness for facebook and skype! It’s my sister’s first year of college, and I really wanted to be there to help her out. I was really looking forward to grabbing sushi or Tijuana Flatts with my sister and best friend Michelle just to catch up during the week. I also miss all the orange and blue! It makes me sad to know I’m missing football season!  I can’t wait to get back!

This exchange program has given me numerous opportunities. I have had the chance to study in a different environment, which has been eye opening. I also have had the time to travel a bit down here. I’ve been to four new cities in Brazil and traveled to Argentina and Uruguay! And of course, I couldn’t have done it all without the amazing friends that I have made here in Brazil!

All this being said, my responsibilities as an Ambassador have not been forgotten! I may not be in Gainesville, but being a CALS Ambassador means I’m still available to help people when needed. Questions any of the new ambassadors or prospective students have I’m available to answer. I miss my ambassadors, and I can’t wait to meet the new ones!!!


Ana Luiza

Class: Senior
Hometown: Gainesville, Florida
Major: Environmental Science
Specialization:  B.S. Environmental Science
Minor: Nonprofit Organizational Leadership and Latin American Studies
Involvement: College Democrats, Circle K International and Event coordinator for Soul Sisters
Hobbies: Spending time with family and friends, volunteering in the community, yoga, meditation and traveling.  
After College: I plan on going to graduate school to further my education.

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