Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2012

As one of the relatively few out-of-state undergraduate students at the University of Florida (only approximately 4% of the student body are non-Florida residents), I remain a bit of an anomaly to many people I meet. I’m usually met with either confusion as to why I left a big city for a college town or excitement regarding my accent and subsequent requests to pronounce a dozen words that contain long “a’s”. Or both. Regardless, I always end up telling people how much I love UF and particularly the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Where I have found both professors and advisers who are not only passionate about their work, but passionate about helping students, as well.

Of course, coming to Florida from Illinois was a big change for me. Since moving here, I have learned a lot that I didn’t know, including:
  1. Alligators do not live in the rain gutters, and thus you do not have to walk a wide circle around them to avoid getting attacked and dragged underground. (Yes, I thought this when I first moved here. I saw it once on television, I swear).
  2.  Sure, this is the Sunshine State, but BRING AN UMBRELLA EVERYWHERE. It can go from 95 and sunny to a raging monsoon and back within 10 minutes. Don’t be fooled by the forecast. It lies to you.
  3.  Cockroaches are the most terrifying insects known to man. I have spent many nights locked in ferocious battles with roaches that show up in my apartment bathrooms, armed with Raid and a heavy textbook. I had never seen one until I came here. They might as well be dinosaurs for as much as they scare me.
  4. Moving to a place where you don’t know anyone may sound intimidating at first, but it really does end up being more fun and exciting than anything else. All it takes is the willingness to accept that you’ll be embarking on quite a big adventure- and what else should life be, really, if not an adventure?

So I can say with confidence that choosing to attend UF was one of the best choices I have ever made because of the friends I have made, the things I have learned, and the faculty who have taken the time to listen to me and help me succeed. As an out-of-state Gator, I would encourage other students from outside of Florida to learn more about UF so that they too can take advantage of all the great opportunities the university has to offer. The academics are exceptional, the football team top-ranked, and the weather gorgeous (most of the time). I have found a second home here at UF. Although I graduate in a year and a half, I know that I will always and forever be a Gator.

Kendra Harmon 

Class: Junior
Hometown: Grayslake, Illinois
Major: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Specialization: Dietetics
Involvement: Volunteer at Baby Gator, Undergraduate Nutrition Research, Gator For A Day Program, cooking class volunteer at the Gainesville VA, FSHN Club 
Running, cooking, reading, camping and hiking, going to see plays and spending time with friends
After College: Plans to complete a combined Master of Science/Dietetic Internship program and become a registered dietician

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