Monday, December 17, 2012

Meet Dr. Al Wysocki, CALS Associate Dean

The CALS Ambassadors want to help you get to know the leaders of our college a little better. We developed questions to ask each of our three deans. Following are Associate Dean Al Wysocki's questions and answers. To learn more about Dr. Wysocki's professional duties in CALS, visit

What was your favorite childhood toy?
A football. Any football.

If you could be a large animal, which species would you be and why?
Mountain Lion. I think they are cool and they usually occupy higher elevations. They are the predator. Good to be closer to the top of the food chain.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Easy question. Spend time with my wife and cycle.

What is your favorite movie?
I have lots of favorites. The movie I have seen the most in theaters in Inception. Very cool movie ...

Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Spudhaven -- The name of the house my parents own on a lake in Northern Wisconsin

What do you know now that you wish you knew in college?
I have been very happy with my choices as a student. Given the speed of change today, having even better skills relating to website design and social media would be helpful.

Who do you admire as a leader?
Joe Di Pietro, President of the University of Tennessee system

If you could have a different career, other than what you're doing now, what would it be?
Back home in the family potato business -- no question about that.

Do you cook? If so, what is your best dish?
When I cook, I like to grill. I smoke a mean turkey.

What one piece of advice would you give a student considering graduate school? 
Make sure you know why you want to do this. A current slow economy is not a good reason to just get a graduate degree.

Who is the best teacher you have ever had? What qualities made him/her great?
My friend and mentor, Dr. H. Christopher Peterson from Michigan State University. He always looked for "teachable moments" in the classroom. We have spent many hours talking about teaching.

Dr. Al Wysocki with his wife Joan

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